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秦百蘭,中國著名仕女畫家,全國政協委員,中國美協會員,高級美術師,也是中國傳奇輪椅女畫家和國際著名畫家,歐洲簽約畫家。曾任全國人大代表、聯合國第四屆世婦會代表、2005年度中國十大藝術名人…。她18歲因病致殘,在人生和藝術的道路上30余年艱辛求索。刻苦研習中國傳統繪畫,作品多爲中國曆代名女、才女、美女,古典名著中的奇女、俠女,神話傳說中的仙姬神女。所作仕女溫婉典雅,細膩傳神,神態各異,畫風獨辟壹格。她注重對人物內心世界的刻畫,不同曆史時期的女性、天真活潑的兒童,在她的筆下栩栩如生。在國內外畫展中屢獲殊榮。她的畫展氣勢壯觀,表現了中國曆史文化的豐富內涵和獨特魅力,千姿百態的曆史人物好像從遠古翩翩走來。深受國內外人們的喜愛。十余年來,已在美、法、德、意、俄、奧、埃及、伊朗、希臘、巴西、秘魯等世界50余國舉辦個人畫展和文化交流,許多畫展被作爲中國政府官方對外文化交流項目。2001年《秦百蘭中國畫展》受文化部派遣赴俄、土、立、拉、伊(朗)成功舉辦了巡回畫展,俄國博物館爲她設立了永久展位(唯壹的中國人)。她的作品被世界200余種報刊書籍以中、英、葡、西、意、俄、法、德、阿、土、日、韓、波斯等幾十種文字刊載,被許多國家的博物館、美術館和國家首腦政要收藏,作品流傳到世界各國, 受到各國領導人、議會、藝術界的高度評價,爲增進中外文化的了解和人民友好做出了傑出貢獻,被譽爲美與友好的使者。01年俄國奧斯特洛夫斯基國立博物館爲她設立了永久展位(唯壹的中國人)。02年她的畫被作爲我駐法使館贈給法國總統希拉克的生日禮物…。她還受到我國領導人胡錦濤、江澤民、溫家寶、賈慶林及外國總統、總理、議長的親切接見。塞浦路斯總統克萊裏季斯盛贊:我尤爲贊賞這世界上最美的繪畫…。立陶宛總統阿達姆庫斯題詞:感謝妳爲立陶宛人民帶來這樣精美的畫展,爲立陶宛人民了解中國做出了貢獻。拉脫維亞議長留言:妳的畫展具有兩大特點,即充滿詩意的表現形式和浪漫細膩的表現手法,拉脫維亞人民可以通過這個畫展了解中國文化的精髓。她工筆和寫意兼能,工筆細膩,寫意潇灑,細微處壹絲不苟,粗犷處寥寥數筆,形神兼得。她還擅長現場即興揮毫作水墨古代仕女畫和即興人物寫生,片刻間美妙少女和人物速寫躍然紙上,令觀賞者驚歎。08年3月,她在世婦會文件袋內的紀念品:《中國古代名女年曆》中的7幅中國畫原作,被上海大世界基尼斯評爲中國之最---傳播到世界最多國家的中國仕女圖(190個國家)。其中的原作被評爲國家文物。有100多個國家的世界不同文字的《畫展留言簿》,被評爲國家2級文物。她還在美國加州大學、奧地利維也納大學、法國巴黎和阿爾及利亞藝術家協會及芬蘭、捷克、菲律賓等國舉辦中國畫講座和東西方文化差異的學術研討會,深受好評。學生遍及世界許多國家。她不但是壹位有著獨特個性和影響的國際知名畫家。也是壹位弘揚人類奮鬥精神,傳播中華文化與友好的使者。她以30年不懈的人生奮鬥和繪畫創作,創造了藝術和人生的價值,她的繪畫藝術和社會綜合價值已受到國外各界和中外收藏界的廣泛關注…。Qin Bailan An IntroductionQin Bailan is councilor to the National Parliament of the China.Vice-chairman of the Literature Association of Liao Ning Railway . has loved painting from childhood. When 18 years old Once fall sick results the Legs paralyze. Over the past thirty years,she has diligently worked to created Thousands of paintings of women and children from Chinese history. she has extensively studied the history of her country with particularly and mythical characters. The figures she paints are truly beautiful and refined. Each painting is unique exquisite and expresses qualities that are simple yet lifelike. She expertly contrasts vivid colors,truly bringing life and dimension to the images. Her work has been received with great enthusiasm throughout the country. In 1995 she attended The Fourth World Conference on Women hosted by the UN in Beijing. Ms Qin to demonstrate her particular form of painting to more than 1000 participants from over 100 countries. Seven of her paintings of traditional Chinese women were chosen as mementos to participants. Key representatives from 190 countries received a special calendar of Ms Qin’s paintings of distinguished women in Chinese history. Her achievements and good spirits are highly commended by international community. Ms Qin was recognized as one of the Outstanding 1000 Living Women of the World.Between 1997-2010she held exhibitions in more than 50 countries,including the United States, France, Germany,Italy,Austria, Russia, Brazil, Peru,Egypt,each venue brought a great deal of praise for her. In 2001,Qin Bailan’s exhibitions were listed as part of the Foreign Cultural Exchange Projects of China. Since then,they have been shown in many countries , throughout the world in many languages,including Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish,Russian,French, German, and Persian. Qin Bailan has the honour of being called an emissary of beauty and friendship. Received in audience by China and Foreign many nations leader Chairman Hu Jintao and Chairman Jiang Zemin.
